The irritation of my day would be the above. No, this is not a picture of my exploding brain due to finals (curse you, geology). Nor is it a pitcure of my exploding brain due to panic/ cluelessness concerning my future. It is actually a picture of the volcano in Iceland. I am considering whether or not I should tell you the real reason that I am irritated... I could tell you that I am very anxious to know that the people are safe and well- I am, I really am... But mainly... alright fine, I'll admit it. Mainly I am anxious about my spring plans. Will I wever get to Europe next month?! Now that you're all positive that I'm extremely self-obsessed and selfish, let's move on. My favorite used bookstore in Provo is MOVING to Orem and I am terribly unhappy about it. Who wants to poke into a bookstore on State St in Orem, where, let's face it, could easily be Reno for all of its aesthetic let- downs. I very much dislike State St in Orem. I think it's a good thing that I can identify with the fact that right no I am being a Debbie Downer. Care to make my day?
Taxes. I hate hate hate this process. I don't understand it AT ALL. I just filed my taxes online- have no idea if it's right or not- but apparently they think they need to give me $1600. Which is fine with me. I just have to wait and see if the IRS accept or reject my claim. 3 guesses how I want that one to turn out. Cross your fingers for me!
Hello blans (blog-fans. I like to pretend you exist.)! I got to bed late last night after spending the entire weekend, it seemed, cleaning slash organizing my teeny tiny apartment. I will not pretend that it took less than 7 hours to organize my showes and clothes. I will also refrain from lying about the fact that my desk is still a disaster, untouched. The living room, however, looks great. On saturday I found a bookcase on [serious] sale so, after ploughing my way through the most foreign looking instruction manual of my life, my roommate and I managed to set it up. It's amazing what a bookcase can do to a room. I feel ridiculously distinguished! Anyway. Other things that made my weekend a ball of sunshine: Indian food The hot sun (hello Utah desert) Random blogfans adding me on facebook (yeah, you!) Walmart Stake Conference Clean sheets Chatting with silly brothers on the phone This week, being the last week of classes, promises to be stressful and panic- filled. But... Waking up to the sunshine, a cancelled class, and She & Him really clears that right up! PS I realize that my chirpiness is nausiating... but get over it! Today rocks!
Reasons why today will suck: a test; solid classes 'til 3, then solid work 'til 7pm; no hug from Mommy as she's trillions of miles away; snow on the ground; geology class (theres only so much one can care for rocks); the thought of finals
Reasons why today will rock: "geology rocks"; watch me ace my test; the promise of 50 degree weather and clear skies; my book arrived (!!!); sweatpants
And if that isn't enough to make YOU excited for today, the above is a gift to cheer you up.
This week is conference weekend- Which is the best way I can think of spending Easter! When we were kids Mum would hide sweets and chocolate in the garden and we would go hunt for them. And of course- English tradition alert- we would get a chocolate easter egg, which would consist of a huge chocolate egg designed in accordance with our favourite candy bar. Mine was usually Rolo's. It was spectacular! What are YOUR traditions?
Enjoy this youtube video from Mormon Messages. Yes, I got all techno-savvy and posted a youtube video. Which has opened up so many doors for me that I feel like a pro. You can expect to be enjoying lots more where that came from!
I want you all to know, in this Easter season, that I know that Christ lives. He came to this earth in the most humble of circumstances, but led a perfect life, being the perfect example. He healed the sick and taught fundamental lessons and principles. He atoned for each of our sins and willingly was sacrificed. And he was resurrected! Which is what we celebrate today. I know that He lives and loves us. I can testify that he knows me personally. I hope that you watch the above, and ponder the role of Christ in your lives.
While we are on the subject of churchy things, I have to share an experience (be excited)! Last weekend I had just gotten my little paycheck and some money from my parents. It was wonderful- I thought, Hurray! Now I can pay all of the bills I have been procrastinating! I looked at my money and counted it thoroughly. I realized that I was looking a little low and considered paying my tithing next week instead. In my religion, we have made the decision to donate ten percent of our income to the church. In the scriptures we are promised that if we do this first and foremost, we will be blessed. I contemplated this decision and finally decided to have a little faith and pay my tithing. The next day I checked my bank balance and to my utter horror, I didn't have enough money to pay rent! I was so upset. I panicked and wondered what on earth I could do? I knew that I had a 20 dollar note in my purse, so I decided to deposit it at the ATM. When I got there, I considered the fact that I could have some extra funds in my British account. I checked- there was a hundred dollars there. So I withdrew that, still sad because rent is far from being $120! Regardless, I began to deposit my notes into the ATM. And they kept coming. $120: deposited. $220: deposited. $320: deposited. $420 deposited. The 20's kept rolling out of my wallet, every time I stuck my hand in there for more. I stood, astonished, as I checked my final balance. I have heard of similar stories of those faithful people who pay their tithing- but never did I think I would be blessed with such a tangible experience. I know that it was a blessing for paying my tithing!
... Relator by Scarlet Johansson and Pete Yorn. Actually I'll admit to being so completely surprised by it. Scarjo is the last person I thought I'd enjoy coming from out of a speaker system- but she's pretty good! This track in particular is the perfect springtime tune. I appreciate it. Listen to it at!