Thursday, 24 September 2009

Turned Over a New [Basil] Leaf

Alright, food junkies.  While in the airport this summer I picked up a copy of the Julie & Julia Project by Julie Powell.  While I found some of the backstories to be a little irrelevant I have to be honest about what really counted:  the FOOD.  Read this book if you need to be inspired to do something more than just the daily habits of life.  Also read it if, like myself, your kitchen needs a shake up (regardless of how cute your oven mitts and utensils are).  
I decided, at 9pm last night, to take a leaf out of Powell's book and for once in my life follow a recipe [insert video clip of my mother rolling her eyes here.  She hate's when I don't follow a recipe.  Even though she comes along with her little fork when I'm done...].  Anna and I ran to the supermarket and grabbed the basics for tomato and basil soup.
At 10.30pm ish, my first soup ever was created.  It was a tiny bit acidic, but nonetheless, breathtaking.
And so, the joy of cooking has stirred my soul once more.  I don't think I've been this excited to cook since that cookie phase I went through in middle school when I baked, honestly, all the time.
Tonight, I will try my hand at carrot and coriander soup.  The "pros" of soups: inexpensive, not so calorie slash fattie ridden, fun to make and experiment with.  Even though I am promising to follow recipes.

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