I'm going to level with you, blog fans. I am quite helpless these days! Fate seems to have it in for me- and if I believed in fate I suppose that fact would scare me. I have had 3- yes, THREE- brushes with death in the recent present. First of all, in the form of an electrical scare. I was drying my hair one night, getting ready for a night out on the town with the girls. It was hot in the bathroom and I was feeling sort of dehydrated, so I ran myself a cup of cold water and proceeded to sip on said water as my head was angled in a manner that accommodated the blow- dryer. As such, water spilled directly into the mouth of the dryer, prompting very scary electrical noises, sparks etc. I fumbled frantically to switch off the dryer and flung it across to the other side of the bathroom (yes, toward the damp shower- again note my hopelessness).
The second brush with death isn't really a brush with death, but merely a brush with the thought of death. I had a bit of a health scare when certain symptoms prompted me to consider the possibility of breast cancer. Although I am very young (despite what Provo Culture tells me), I panicked a little when I considered family history of breast cancer. I got myself checked out, which was in and of itself a rather traumatizing ordeal. I had always hoped the first person to explore that territory would be a husband. Nevertheless, I chatted a mile a minute as it happened, and through ultra sound tests etc. The results of my tests were normal, and it seems that I have nothing to worry about- which is a huge relief. You might wonder why I have plastered this information all over my blog. My reason is simple: to urge you female readers to be careful and check yourself regularly! Women should check themselves at least once a month. It should take no longer than 15 minutes and is a cautionary way to make sure to stay smart. For information of how to do this, visit http://www.arimidex.com/self-exam.aspx
Thirdly, today on the way to church (giggle at the irony), the car I was in took a pretty hard hit. As sheer typicality would have it, I was the passenger to be sitting at the point of impact and, as such, am sporting a cartoon-esque bump on the head. After a quick google, I can determine that I only have a mild concussion right now- hopefully it won't get worse! The real sympathy must be lent to both drivers. I would feel awful if I hit a car, I know it!
All of this being said, you will be happy to know that I live to blog another day, as it would seem. And while we are on the subject: I realize that there is much catching up that must be done. So in a bid to keep myself from sleeping, which might not be good for me right now, I will do just that!
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