I know I have been atrocious and have not written in quite some time. It's not as bad as my aunt, who for the past 3 or 4 months has been insisting that a new post on her blog is just around the corner. What LIES (yes, Jules, I am now publicly reprimanding you. I am THAT sick of reading about SeaWorld, which happened a HUNDRED years ago).
Anyway. In my absence let me tell you all that I had a mini crisis/ breakdown/ what am I doing with my life type situation. My fabulous friend Haili calls it a mid-college crisis. I will spare you the details and just tell you that I stole away for the weekend, out of Provo, away from school, to recoup.
While recouping (which entails a huge bed, no alarm clocks, hallowe'en movies, my own bathroom, trick or treating children, hershey's kisses and some tragic lifetime-hallmark movies) I will say that the only complaint I did not cook. For 4 days. FOUR DAYS without cooking. I didn't cook. No cooking.
And so, when I got home on sunday night- well, I was too tired from recouping, so I didn't cook on sunday- on MONDAY night, I got straight to it. I did a pot roast for the very first time in my entire existence using the genius of the Crock Pot (girls- don't wait to register. go get one right now. Or borrow one from Lawrence Palmer, apt. 97- he has like 3). I also made pumpkin spice cookies.
Right now (wednesday) I am cooking potato soup in the Crocker. I am going to leave it on while I run out to a review for one of my classes.
Advantages of crockers: they make your house smell like a HOME. You could walk into my apartment right now and half expect your mother to walk into the kitchen. It's THAT good. Also, you can just throw whatever the heck you want in there and it will magically be done in 5 hours. Whereas this may seem like a negative aspect of the crocker, it develops a sense of patience, which I think we all need. Moral of the story: Crockers enrich both diet and humanity.
Genius... pure blogging genius.